I think it surprised David more than it did us when he started snapping this morning. I don't want to foster any kind of competitive brotherly hate, but it took Peter 5 years and 17 days to discover his snapping gene. David accomplished this milestone after only 3 years and 10 months. Hey, Davey, maybe you should try whistling.
It all started in the kitchen. Angie and I were talking and completely ignoring David, who had raced in and was trying to tell us something that was sure to be earth-shattering news. Angie was busy going on and on about how awesome I am, though, so neither one of us was bothered about the earth shattering. David apparently was.
At one point, he got really frustrated and annoyed. He gets these genes from Angie, so it shouldn't have been a surprise that he did what Angie does when she is annoyed and feels neglected.
'I said, HEY! Mama!'
It wasn't until the third snap that we finally realized what was happening.
'David! Did you just snap your fingers?'
David stared at his fingers for a few seconds before grinning like the village snapper.
'Yeah, I did.'
Since he had finally gotten our attention, we asked him what the hell it was that he wanted. He didn't answer, though; he was too busy running off to find Peter. Yeah, he gets the bragging bit from Angie as well.
So, now onto a part that he gets from me.
David is certainly creative, but he didn't inherit the remembering gene. You can yell and scream at him until the veins in your neck are about to burst and he still forgets it two minutes later. I gave up trying and turned to the Godfather for a favor on Lauri's first birthday. Please, Padrino, teach him to remember.
David was more in his element when Jack and William stopped by for a scary movie-night sleepover.
Sometimes, genes have nothing to do with it. I've learned that having older brothers to teach you all kinds of bad shit can also influence your development.
After painting the table, our sofa and the wall green, it was time to get the hellions ready for bed. First stop - teeth brushing 501.
I somehow managed to tame the adrenaline-crazed weirdos. After a few hours, I also managed to have a drink or five with the other crazed weirdos.
It doesn't take much to get the adrenaline flowing again. For David, it was a pair of kickass shorts with a matching hat that Grams had given him for being such a good boy.
The only thing funnier than Armin sporting an Afro was when Barbara 'discovered' that Angie had stolen her childhood sticker collection. Scratch and swipe.
Apparently Angie found this treasured jackpot in her old room and used selective memory to claim it as her own. Since then, Angie has ignored the careful labelling of each sticker written in Barbara's handwriting and simply ripped off the protective plastic so that she could use Barb's cherished stickers for her class. I had a stamp collection growing up, but as far as I know, none of my sisters destroyed it just to save a bit of cash on postage. Bad sister!
Barbara forgave Angie, but only after several glasses of champagne. I would have made Angie wear the Afro to work, but maybe I'm just less forgiving and more creative than Barb.
Sticky Fingers was feeling a little guilty, so she bought Peter and David a new night-light.
Tommy caught on that there was a competition and apparently wanted to join in.
Ladder Talk:
1) What was the best part of your day?
Peter: That I played with Daniela dominoes because I had fun.
David: When we call Nil 'cause I like her and she like me.
2) What was the worst part of your day?
Peter: When I missed Grams and Opa.
David: Nothing today was bad.
3) What would you like to do tomorrow?
Peter: To play on my birthday and go to the Schnitzelhaus.
David: Tomorrow I go to Peter's birthday. Ha, he-he - I'm here already!