Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I like trains, too

Today was all about discovering new things. For example, I found out today that I, like Patrick, like trains. For anyone who is unsure how much my nephew really likes trains, first read The long train of thought. If it's still not clear, let me know and I will whack you in the face with a phone book until you get it. Only Patrick's tiny neurons could tell you why he is so addicted to locomotives. For me, it was simple. Patrick likes trains. Trains make Patrick quiet. I like quiet.

This morning, I took Patrick to the train station. This trip for him was probably comparable to my trip to the Guinness brewery when I was in Dublin. Only Patrick did not stagger when he walked out of the station. We did not really do much when we got to there. We watched some trains pull in and out of the station, which damn near made Patrick hyperventilate with excitement.

Chris and I calmed him down by going to the station cafe for a hot chocolate. You might think it is odd to calm a kid down by dumping liquid chocolate down his throat. To that, I would say two things. First, you're odd. Second, you did not see him by the tracks - a sugar high was much calmer than the explosive excitement I was forced to watch.

I also discovered today how much I like kindergarten. Actually, I don't even like kindergartens, but I certainly do appreciate them. The boys went back today after three weeks off. Don't get me wrong, I really liked having them at home. For a day or two. After week two, I found myself surfing web pages for boomerang hammers and do-it-yourself lobotomy kits.

In the afternoon, Angie kicked us out of the house for three hours. She had a visitor stopping by for coffee and felt that a full-on cleaning frenzy was needed. When we came back, I made yet another discovery - we have floors. Holy shit! I always thought we had carpets underneath all of the crap we have piled up throughout the house.

Some people like discovering new things. I enjoyed learning how to appreciate the silence even more. I no longer take kindergartens for granted and who wouldn't like finding cool stuff, like floors? Some people do not like new things, though, and would rather take comfort in the familiar. Patrick classified himself into this latter group when, on the way home, he continued with his mantra of I like trains.
Ladder Talk:
1) What was the best part of your day?
Peter: When I played with Patrick this game.
David: When I played with Patrick and we all pulled.

2) What was the worst part of your day?
Peter: When I was sad by the kindergarten 'cause I wanted to stay by you. I wish my kindergarten was by your work.
David: When I cried 'cause my nose bleed out here.

3) What would you like to do tomorrow?
Peter: To play with Patrick the Thomas Mountain game.
David: When Patrick come again.


  1. I like the way David always says, he wants Patrick to "come again" the next day...
    What did you do - let the poor kid sleep at the train station??

  2. Yeah, David did not fully grasp that his cousin was sleeping in the other room. In his brain, Patrick was flying back and forth from Germany to the U.S. each day. Imagine the miles he could rack up with that itinerary!
