Barb and Leif got back from their honeymoon yesterday and
rather than unpack like normal newlyweds, they invited a bunch of us over to flex Leif's
I'm secure enough in my masculinity to admit that Leif's mussels were mighty impressive. But were they yummy? Hmmm, let's let Tommy answer that one.
Okay, Tommy couldn't really judge because there was no way in hell his brain was putting 'those disgusting squish-thingies' into his mouth.
Angie totally loves mussels, even if they aren't as hairy as she's used to, so she had no problem gobbling up Tommy's entire bowl as the mature-types waited politely to be served.
After dinner, Barb launched an awesome slide show of their now sinless adventures in Australia, followed by an X-chromosome invite for her Mom, Angie and Leif's sister Jil to join her in the kitchen for some wine. Angie loves that type of thing, so I wasn't that surprised when she was the first one in the kitchen. Show me your whine!
Ladder Talk:
1) What was the best part of your day?
Peter: That we went to Barb and Leif's dinner.
David: That Leif had a birthday.
Tom: That I played kaka-choo and that we build a cave.
2) What was the worst part of your day?
Peter: That we could play outside for only ten minutes and then it rained.
David: That we couldn't go today to the movies.
Tom: That David fart in the cave.
3) What would you like to do tomorrow?
Peter: I want to play at Arman's place.
David: I want to play a game with Luca in the garden.
Tom: I want to play in my cave and play with Peter and Arman.
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