When Peter was born, he received a cute little stuffed bunny from Grams before leaving the hospital. For the past four years, Peter has tugged, pulled, ripped, even chewed on this poor bunny. It's been sewn, taped, glued, stapled - you name it. Anything to keep this guy together. Peter was so attached to his little bunny, we recently got a spare in case anything ever happened to the original one. Can you guess which one is which?
Waking up this morning without the boys was very strange. By very strange, I mean that it was unusual not to wake up at dawn to the sounds of two boys winding up for the day. By unusual, I mean that it was actually kind of nice. By kind of nice, I mean Oh, my freakin' WOW! That was great! That was sweet! That was chocolate-covered habit-forming! It's, uh...nice to have the boys back, though. Of course. Yeah.
Angie went to pick up the boys and I spent an hour or so working on the blog. You may notice the new link on the left to Flickr, where I have now added a lot of new pictures - enjoy. Or don't.
When Angie came back, I ran downstairs to find Peter snoring away in the back seat. Oddly enough, David was the one awake. I carried Peter up to our apartment and couldn't help wondering how many more times I would be able to carry Peter anywhere. He is getting so big. Not big, as in oh my God, everybody stare at the fat kid. More in the context of growing up, which he is doing way too quickly.
Peter and David spent the rest of the afternoon playing their latest game that they invented, called Happy Birthday. It is a close competitor to Uppsala in terms of complexity and intelligence. It starts out with removing all covers and pillows from our bed and throwing them on the floor. Thanks. Then Peter and David climb up on the bed and jump around in circles, singing the Happy Birthday song until one of them falls down. I am not sure who wins at this point, but I don't think they really care.
Peter really knows when he can get away with something and tonight he played on this fact when going to bed. We went through the normal routine - PJ's, brush teeth, Ladder Talk, read a book, club a baby seal, sing a goodnight song and then lights out. Peter was still awake when I was finished, so I told him I would check on him in 10 minutes.
5 minutes later, I heard Peter half crying, half whining from the other room. Angie and I went to go check on him and found him in the bathroom, sitting on the toilet and mumbling to himself. He looked up at me and then the accusations flew.
'You said 10 minutes, but that was 10 minutes not. I know. I wait and you come not. You just don't care! I am hungry!'
Apparently, Angie and I need to focus on teaching Peter how to tell time and eat all of his dinner. The 'you don't care' comment obviously got to Angie, who caved in and brought Peter out for a bedtime snack of noodles and quesadillas.
For some odd reason, Dora the Explorer was on, one of Peter's all-time favorites. He laid down on the sofa, looking quite content until he dumped his drink all over himself, which made me laugh. It made him cry, but it made me laugh. For ten minutes.
--------------------------------------------Ladder Talk:
1) What was the best part of your day?
Peter: I like it today when I sleep by Grams and Opa's.
David: When by Opa Gram. Opa slept in bed and did Ladder Talk.
2) What was the worst part of your day?
Peter: When I wake up and you not there was.
David: When I bonked my foot down.
3) What would you like to do tomorrow?
Peter: To go with David and you in our garden there and play football.
David: Play mit Peter.
And where is my bunny? Or one of the five chearleaders, you dreamed of... ))) My ladder talk for today:
ReplyDeleteBest thing: Arriving in Sofia an staying there for a few months )))
Worst thing: Driving up the hill in the first gear.
Tomorrow: Laughing with Jürgen and Mira.