Road Trip Day 4: Animals attack Ireland
This blessing is apparently not meant to welcome non-Irish visitors. First of all, there are no roads going into Ireland. As you can see here, the wind was most certainly not on our backs and sorry, but what sun? It was so freakin' cold I had to buy a Guinness jacket and when the ferry landed in Dublin, it started pouring. Are you trying to tell us something?May the road rise up to meet you,
may the wind be ever at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face
and the rain fall softly on your fields.
--Irish blessing
may the wind be ever at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face
and the rain fall softly on your fields.
--Irish blessing
We woke up early so that we could get on the road and say goodbye to England, with all of its lovely roundabouts, fish and chip mourners, and quarantined zoos. Ta, ta-ra, luvs.
After wind-blasting the kids on the top deck, I took the stowaways down to the ship's galley for a game of cards with one of the commoners.
We hit land and got to our hotel in rather good time. We then had the rest of the afternoon open to do whatever the kids wanted to do. Peter chose to sit on a rock and scowl at me.
Okay, not so gangsta badass was when Mama tried teaching the boys how to skip stones.
Throughout our whole trip so far, we have had nothing but junk food. Candy, burgers, pizza - you name it; if it makes you fat, we were chowing down on it. At the hotel, they had a buffet set up and the boys piled up a huge plate of...broccoli and cauliflower?!
After a meal fit for a vegan, I took the healthy nuts to the pool, because everyone knows that the best time to go swimming is directly after eating. I'm an excellent father.
I got back to the room to find Angie with her Face in a Book enjoying a nice glass of wine.
Ladder Talk:
1) What was the best part of your day?
Peter: When I played with my new friends in our garden in Ireland.
David: When I played with all the kids and we had so water and we maked that again and that was so fun.
2) What was the worst part of your day?
Peter: When Davey didn't behave - he didn't brush his teeth.
David: When I cried 'cause I in the dark scared have.
3) What would you like to do tomorrow?
Peter: To go to the marry...I mean, marrying for Mick and Lisa.
David: When I played tomorrow with Peter and all the wedding kids.
Glad you and the Fam are enjoying Ireland.
ReplyDeleteYou'd have to feed me a lot of deep-fried bacon and chocolate soup to like cauliflower. Just sayin'.
Define 'enjoying'. I'd rather be eating cauliflower.